
‘Verfab' was a garment manufacturing company known for its high-quality fashionable clothing. They had been in the fashionable clothing business for the last 23 years. The company was earning enough profit and the demand for their fashionable clothing was rising tremendously. The company was expanding and needed to hire new talent to meet the growing demand. They followed a comprehensive process to ensure that they brought in the best candidates.
The process began with a first-round evaluation of applications. The Human Resources team carefully reviewed each candidate's qualifications, experience and suitability for the available positions. It eliminated unqualified or unfit job seekers based on the information supplied in the application forms and shortlisted 21 candidates who met the basic requirements.
The shortlisted candidates were then asked to take a series of tests that attempted to measure certain characteristics of individuals, ranging from manual dexterity to intelligence to personality. These tests included assessments of their sewing skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of garment manufacturing processes.
15 candidates who performed well in the tests were invited for a formal in-depth conversation with the senior staff from the design team. Thereafter, 10 candidates were found suitable for the job position available.
Since these 10 candidates had cleared all the above steps, 'Verfab' conducted verification by contacting their previous employers to confirm the details the candidates had provided.
Thereafter, a decision was made to choose 8 candidates who were best fitted for the roles.
Explain the steps of the comprehensive process discussed above till the verification stage, to ensure that the company brought in the best candidates to meet the growing demand for fashionable clothing.

Updated On: Feb 19, 2025
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Solution and Explanation

The steps of the comprehensive process discussed above are: (i) Preliminary screening: It helps the manager to eliminate unqualified or unfit job seekers based on the information supplied in the application forms. (ii) Selection tests: These tests attempt to measure certain characteristics of individuals, ranging from aptitudes, manual dexterity, intelligence to personality. (iii) Employment interview: A formal, in-depth conversation is conducted to evaluate the applicant’s suitability for the job, and interviewees may also seek information from the interviewer. (iv) Reference and background checks: References are used for verifying information and gaining additional information on an applicant from previous employers, known persons, teachers, university professors, etc.
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