
The equivalent weight of Mohrs salt is:

Updated On: Jun 7, 2022
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

The molecular weight of Mohrs salt $ (FeS{{O}_{4}}\cdot {{(N{{H}_{4}})}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}\cdot 6{{H}_{2}}O) $ = 56+2 (32 + 64) + 2 (14 + 4) + 6 (18) = 56 +192 + 36 +108 = 392 $ \therefore $ Equivalent weight of reductant $ =\frac{\text{Mol}\text{.wt}\text{.}}{\text{increase}\,\text{in}\,\text{O}\text{.N}\text{.}}=\frac{392}{1}=392 $ ( $ \because $ $ F{{e}^{2+}} $ changes into $ F{{e}^{3+}} $ in its reactions)
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Concepts Used:

Applications of Coordination Compounds

There are three applications of coordination compounds:

  1. Zinc-complex enzymes like carbonic anhydrase important to buffering reactions in blood. 
  2. Copper-complex enzymes important to iron storage and producing pigments in hair, skin, and eyes. 
  3. Nickel-complex enzymes as part of the enzymes urease and hydrogenase