- Amylase: This is a polysaccharide found in plants, with \( \alpha \)-1,4 and \( \alpha \)-1,6 linkages between glucose units, so the correct linkage type is \( \alpha \)-C1-C4 plant (IV).
- Cellulose: Cellulose is a polysaccharide made of \( \beta \)-1,4 linkages, commonly found in plants, so the correct linkage is \( \beta \)-C1-C4 plant (I).
- Glycogen: Glycogen is a polysaccharide found in animals, consisting of \( \alpha \)-1,4 and \( \alpha \)-1,6 linkages between glucose units, so the correct linkage is \( \alpha \)-C1-C4 \( \alpha \)-C1-C6 plant (III).
- Amylopectin: Similar to glycogen, it is found in plants and is made of \( \alpha \)-1,4 and \( \alpha \)-1,6 linkages, so the correct linkage is \( \alpha \)-C1-C4 plant (II). Thus, the correct answer is (2).
Given below are some nitrogen containing compounds:
Each of them is treated with HCl separately. 1.0 g of the most basic compound will consume ....... mg of HCl.
(Given Molar mass in g mol\(^{-1}\): C: 12, H: 1, O: 16, Cl: 35.5.)
In the given structure, number of \( sp \) and \( sp^2 \) hybridized carbon atoms present respectively are: