
When the temperature is raised, the viscosity of liquid decreases this is because

Updated On: Jan 30, 2025
  • decreased volume of the solution.
  • increased attraction between molecules.
  • decreased covalent and hydrogen bond forces.
  • increase in temperature increase the average kinetic energy of molecules which overcomes the attractive force between them.
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

When the temperature is raised, the viscosity of liquid decreases, this is because increase in temperature increase the average kinetic energy of molecules which overcome the attractive force between them.
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Concepts Used:

Liquid State

The liquid state of matter has the following properties:

  • As the particles moves it start moving everywhere inside the volume filled by the liquid.
  • Liquids have a strong inter-particle force, more inter-particle space than solids and enough kinetic energy.
  • It can be transformed into solids due to the solidification process.
  • Evaporation is the conversion of liquids to gases.
  • Liquid particles begin to flow more quickly when the temperature rises.
  • Liquids are difficult to compress because there is less space between particles for particles to migrate.
  • Constant volume but no constant shape.
  • In liquids, the rate of diffusion is faster than in solids.
  • Inter molecular attraction between particles is weaker than that between solids.

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