Wavelength of radiation = \(300\) \(nm\)
Photon energy
= \(\frac{hc}λ\)
= \(\frac{6.63 × 10^{-34} × 3 × 10^8}{300 × 10 ^{-19}}\)
= \(6.63 × 10^{-19}\) \(J\)
Energy of \(1\) mole of photons
= \(6.63 × 10^{-19} × 6.02 × 10^{23} × 10^{-3}\)
= \(399\) \(kJ\)
The work functions of Caesium (Cs), Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) are 2.14eV, 2.30 eV and 2.75eV respectively. If incident electromagnetic radiation has an incident energy of 2.20eV, which of these photosensitive surfaces may emit photoelectrons?
Radiation is the energy or particles from a source that travels from one media to other. It travels through a medium after its emission from a source and is absorbed by matter.
Read More: Types of Radiation