The correct order of bond enthalpy \(\left( kJ mol ^{-1}\right)\) is :
Remember that bond enthalpy generally decreases down a group due to the increase in atomic size and bond length.
\(C - C > Si - Si > Ge - Ge > Sn - Sn\)
\(C - C > Si - Si > Sn - Sn > Ge - Ge\)
\(Si - Si > C - C > Ge - Ge > Sn - Sn\)
\(Si - Si > C - C > Sn - Sn > Ge - Ge\)
Step 1: Consider the Trend Down the Group
Bond enthalpy generally decreases down a group in the periodic table. This is because as the atomic size increases, the bond length increases, and longer bonds are weaker.
Step 2: Analyze the Given Elements
The elements in question are C, Si, Ge, and Sn. They all belong to Group 14. Their atomic size increases down the group in the order:
\[\text{C} < \text{Si} < \text{Ge} < \text{Sn}.\]
Step 3: Determine the Bond Enthalpy Order
Since bond enthalpy decreases with increasing atomic size, the correct order of bond enthalpy is:
\[\text{C–C} > \text{Si–Si} > \text{Ge–Ge} > \text{Sn–Sn}.\]
The bond angles \( b_1, b_2, b_3 \) in the above structure are respectively in \( ^\circ \):
\(O - O\) bond length in \(H _2 O _2\) is X than the \(O - O\) bond length in \(F _2 O _2\)The \(O - H\) bond length in \(H _2 O _2\)is Y than that of the\(O - F\) bond in \(F _2 O _2\)Choose the correct option for \(\underline{X} and \underline{Y}\) from those given below :
Such a group of atoms is called a molecule. Obviously, there must be some force that holds these constituent atoms together in the molecules. The attractive force which holds various constituents (atoms, ions, etc.) together in different chemical species is called a chemical bond.
There are 4 types of chemical bonds which are formed by atoms or molecules to yield compounds.