The bond angles \( b_1, b_2, b_3 \) in the above structure are respectively in \( ^\circ \):
In the given structure, which is \(Al_2Cl_6\), each aluminum atom is surrounded by four chlorine atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. However, the two aluminum atoms are bonded together through two bridging chlorine atoms.
\(b_1\) represents the Cl-Al-Cl bond angle within the four-membered ring (formed by the two aluminum and two bridging chlorine atoms). Due to ring strain, this angle is smaller than the ideal tetrahedral angle of 109.5°.
\(b_2\) is the Al-Cl-Al angle formed by the bridging chlorines. This angle is larger than the ideal tetrahedral angle.
\(b_3\) represents the Cl-Al-Cl bond angle involving the terminal chlorine atoms (not part of the bridge). This angle is close to the ideal tetrahedral angle.
Therefore, \(b_1 < b_3 < b_2\), and the correct values are approximately \(b_1 = 79^\circ\), \(b_2 = 101^\circ\), and \(b_3 = 118^\circ\).
So the order is 118, 79, 101.
The correct order of bond enthalpy \(\left( kJ mol ^{-1}\right)\) is :
\(O - O\) bond length in \(H _2 O _2\) is X than the \(O - O\) bond length in \(F _2 O _2\)The \(O - H\) bond length in \(H _2 O _2\)is Y than that of the\(O - F\) bond in \(F _2 O _2\)Choose the correct option for \(\underline{X} and \underline{Y}\) from those given below :