If all the words with or without meaning made using all the letters of the word "KANPUR" are arranged as in a dictionary, then the word at 440th position in this arrangement is:
Arranging the letters alphabetically: {A, K, N, P, R, U}
Step 1: Words starting with A = 5! = 120
Step 2: Words starting with K = 5! = 120
Step 3: Words starting with N = 5! = 120
Step 4: Words starting with PA = 4! = 24
Step 5: Words starting with PK = 4! = 24
Step 6: Words starting with PN = 4! = 24
Step 7: Words starting with PRKA = 3! = 6
Step 8: PRKAN is the 439th word
Step 9: PRKAUN is the 440th word