List of top English Questions

The three sources of the Indian thought in the nineteenth century may be mentioned here. The first was of course the impact of English thought. Unlike the previous rulers the English did not settle in India. They kept their links with home. Some of the rulers had respect for India's had respect for India's traditions. But most of them followed Macaulay's famous minutes of 1832, and worked for the transformation of Indian society in the image of Western Society. Bentinck, for instance thought that the primary objective of the British rule was the interest in Indians, viz., "improvement in their conditions". He declared, "I write and feel as a legislator for the Hindus, and as I believe many enlightened Hindus thing and feel so." Through the introduction of English system of education, the British not only transmitted the culture and temper of the European Renaissance and the Reformation and the English traditions but, more immediately, the ideas of Bentham, Mill, Carlyle and Coleridge, the amalgam of a defence of private enterprise and collective endeavor, of democracy and rule of law. Benthamism dominated the thought of the new Indian intelligentsia which had come into existence.
But despite all these, the system of education introduced by the British surreptitiously but surely led to a new awareness of the value of liberty, democracy and rule of law in India. It brought into bold relief the fact that the gulf separating the rulers and the ruled was enormous. People began to compare their plight with the affluence in the West. They began to realise what while the British policy alternated between repression and liberalization, it had become a prop for the continuation of despotic rule and feudal fife- styles. It made India, in due course, feel that the British colonisation in India ought to end.
Read the passage carefully and answer the question. All over the world the wild fauna has been whittled down steadily and remorselessly, and many lovely and interesting animals have been so reduced in numbers that, without protection and help, they can never re- establish themselves. If they cannot find sanctuary where they can live and breed undisturbed, their numbers will dwindle until they join the dodo, the quagga, and the great auk on the long list of extinct creatures. Of course, in the last decade or so much has been done for the protection of wild life: sanctuaries and reserves have been started, and the reintroduction of species into areas where it had become extinct is taking place. In Canada, for instance, beavers are now being reintroduced into certain areas by means of aero plane. But although much is being done, there is still a very great deal to do. Unfortunately, the majority of useful work in animal preservation has been done mainly for animals which are of some economic importance to man and there are many obscure species of no economic importance which, although they are protected on paper, are in actual fact being allowed to die out because nobody, except a few interested zoologists, considers them important enough to spend money on. As mankind increases year by year, and as he spreads farther over the globe burning and destroying. it is some small comfort to know that there are certain private individuals and some institutions who consider that the work of trying to save and give sanctuary to these harried animals is of some importance. It is important for many reasons, but perhaps the best of them is this: man for all his genius, cannot create a species, nor can he recreate one he has destroyed. So until we consider animal life to be worthy of the consideration and reverence we bestow upon old books and pictures and historic monuments, there will always be the animal refugee living a precarious life on the edge of extermination, dependent for existence on the charity of a few human beings.
Read the following passageand answer the next five questions by choosing the correct options:-
Kalidasa's status as the major poet and dramatist in classical Sanskrit literature is unquestioned. once: when poets were counted. Kalidasa occupied the little finger: the ring finger remains unnamed true to its name: for his second has not been found. That is high praise. Kalidasa's accomplishment is distinguished not only by the excellence of the individual works. but by the many-sided which the whole achievements displays. He is a dramatist. a writer of epic and a lyric poet of extraordinary scope. In his hands the language attaind a remarkable flexibility. becoming an instrument capable of sounding many moods and nauaces of feeling: a language that is limpid and flowing. musical. uncluttered by the verbal virtuosities indulged in by writters who followed him: yet. remaining a language loaded in every the rift with the rich ores of the literacy and mythical allusiveness of his cultural. heritage By welding different elements to treat new genres. his important as an innovator in the history of Sanskrit literature its clearly eastblished. The brilliant medieval lyric poet. Jayadeva. in praising Kalidasa i-kula-guru (master of Poets). Conveys his recognition of this aspect of the poet greatness. Bana. the celebrated author of the prose-romance kadambari exclaimed.
Who is not delighted when Kalidasa's perfect versa spring forth their sweetness. like honey-filled cluster of flowers?
Thus drawing attention to the exquisite craftsmanship of the poet's verse for nearly two millnuua. Kalidasa's works have been read with deep appreciation widely commented upon and lavishly praised. It would be safe to assume that the poet enjoyed success. fame and affluence during this lifetime. We sense no hint of dissatisfaction in his works, no sign bitterness at not receiving due recognition. Yet, we do not possess any information about him. his life and the times in which that life unfolded and fulfilled itself. All we are left with are a few legends. The poet has drawn as veil of silence round himself so complete that even his real name is unknown to posterity. No name is affixed to the poems and epic: they have come down to us virtually anonymous. What information we possess is derived from references to them by later poets and writers and the commentaries written on them and from inscriptions. The name is met with only in the plays. where in each prologue. die author styles himself as Kalidasa. Like others in Sanskrit literature. this name is descriptive: Vyasa. meaning 'the compile?. is the author of the Mahabharata. Vahniki. he who emerged from the anthil (valmika): of the Ramayana Similarly Kali-dasa means the votary or servant of Kali is time in the feminine (Bala is time): the concept of times as creative principle is an old as Vedas. We can then translate the name Kali-dasa as 'the secant of time. a phrase that prompts us to explore its significance.
HISTORY OF TUSSLE: After see-saw battle in various courts, final word from SC
New Delhi: It was a carefully worded notification issued by the Union ministry of home affairs (MHA) in May 2015 that led to Thursday's ruling of the Supreme Court on who holds the reins of power in Delhi. 
Faced with an ongoing tussle between the lieutenant governor and the newly elected Delhi Chief minister over the appointment of bureaucrats in 2015, the Central government responded with the notification making the LG effectively the person in charge of the capital and handed him full control of 'service', or the administrative prerogative to post or transfer civil servants in Delhi. 
Three key subjects-public order, police and land-were under the jurisdiction of the central government, while sectors such as health, education, agriculture, forest and transport fell under Delhi's elected government. Robbed of the authority it had shared with the LG since 1991, when an elected legislature was put in place for the capital, the AAP government approached Delhi High Court. 
After several hearings, in 2016 the high court came out with the first comprehensive ruling on the vexed constitutional status, but decided against the AAP government, concluding that LG was the de-facto boss of Delhi who wasn't bound by the aid and advice of the state cabinet.
The court upheld the MHA notification ad quashed those issued by the state government, ruling them illegal because they were issued without the LG's concurrence even when several of these were not related to police, public order or land, the explicit no-go areas. The court also upheld the barring of Delhi government employees, while setting aside the AAP government's commission of inquiry into CNG fitness and Delhi and District Cricket Association, again because of the absence of the LG's concurrence. 
The high court also held as illegal the appointment of the elected government's nominee directors on the boards of BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd, BSES Yamuna power Ltd and Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd by Delhi power company Ltd on the recommendations of the chief minister without communicating the decision of the LG for his Views. The only consolation for the elected government was the court saying the LG could appoint special public prosecutors only on the aid and advice of the council of ministers. 
The battle moved to the Supreme court where a constitution bench took up the clutch of petitions and delivered a landmark ruling in 2018 reversing the high court's decision. The apex court was categorical that beyond the excluded categories of land, public order and police, the LG did not have independent decision-making powers and was bound to act on the aid and advice of the ministers. The bench made it clear that though the decisions of the communicated to the LG, this did not mean his concurrence was required in every case. 
The Supreme court bench also clarified that issues of the various notifications published by Delhi government in exercise of its administrative and legislative powers would be dealt with separately by an appropriate smaller bench. While a huge boost for the AAP government, the constitution bench verdict still left the contentious issue of control of 'services' open, ending with a two-judge bench delivering a split verdict in February 2019. 
After the Centre sought a re-interpretation of Article 239AA of the constitution by a constitution bench on who controlled 'services, the Supreme Court's ruling on Thursday divested the LG of the power crystallised first by the 2015 MHA notification.
Mobile phones in India are ubiquitous - over a billion subscribers. They serve as touch points for multiple needs. Consequently attempts to get people to part with their phone number, often through dubious means, are common. One such example is to get customers to share their phone number to bill retail purchases. It's often done by linking it to the billing system even when it serves no purpose in concluding a transaction. Times of India reported that this method of violating personal data privacy may soon end as the consumer affairs ministry is expected to issue an advisory to stop it. It's a much-needed move. But it doesn't solve the core problem. Invasion of data privacy is not limited to consumer transactions. It's far wider in scope. The only way to check it is to legislate a comprehensive personal data protection law. Absent that, any solution is at best a piecemeal effort. India has lagged in this aspect. As a result, the explosion of digital activity has been accompanied by a surge in extracting personal data without consent. Government of India began the ongoing process of enacting a personal data protection law in 2019. It's gone through many iterations. The bill needs to be introduced in the next parliament session. India's data protection framework should strongly emphasise two principles, data minimization and purpose limitation. The former is the first line of defence against abuse as data collection needs to be limited to just what's relevant to conclude a transaction. The principle of purpose limitation then seeks to ensure that data collected is used for only the stated purpose. While the intent of the consumer affairs ministry is positive, it alone can't ensure Indian's data privacy.