
When one element is involved in opening and closing of stomata, the other helps to maintain the ribosome structure. They are

Updated On: Jun 6, 2022
  • Potassium and calcium
  • Phosphorus and sulphur
  • Potassium and magnesium
  • Iron and magnesium
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

Potassium is absorbed from soil as potassium ions. It helps to maintain an anion cation balance in cells and is involved in protein synthesis, opening and closing of stomata, activation of enzymes and maintenance of cell turgidity.
Magnesium is absorbed by plants as divalent $Mg^{2+}$ . It activates enzymes of respiration and photosynthesis, is a constituent of chlorophyll and helps to maintain ribosome structure. Two subunits of ribosomes fail to join in absence of Mg, while its abundance forms aggregates of ribosomes
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Concepts Used:

Mineral Nutrition

The naturally occurring inorganic nutrient found in the soil and food that is necessary for the proper functioning of animal and plant bodies is defined as nutrition. Minerals are vital elements essential for the body.

Read More: Mineral Nutrition

Role of Nutrients:

  1. Balancing function
  2. Maintenance of osmotic pressure
  3. Influencing the pH of the cell sap
  4. Construction of the plant body
  5. Catalysis of the biochemical reaction
  6. Effects of Toxicity