Identify Z in the following reaction sequence.
What are the reagents X and Y respectively used in the following reaction sequence to convert a nitrile to a methyl group?
What are X, Y and Z in the given reaction sequence?
The three structural formulas – complete structure, condensed structure, and bond line structural formulas are explained below:
The Lewis dot structure is considered as the complete structural formula. In Lewis structure, the covalent bonds in the compound are denoted by a dash (―). This helps to emphasize the number of bonds formed by the electrons. Every single bond, a double bond, and a triple bond are represented by one dash, double dash, and triple dash respectively. It illustrates every single bond formed between every atom in the compound, thus called complete structural formula.
Since complete structural formula consumes much time and space to represent the structure, we can condense them. This is the condensed structural formula, where replacing some dashes/bonds by a number of identical groups attached to an atom by a subscript.
A bond lines structural formula is another way of structural representation of organic compounds. Here, every bond is represented as a line in a zigzag manner. If not specified, every terminal is assumed to be a methyl (-CH3) group.