
The increasing order of stability of the following radicals is

Updated On: Jun 7, 2022
  • ${(CH3)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H < (CH3)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$< (C6H5)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H < (C6H5)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$ }$
  • ${(C_6H5)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$ < (C_6H5)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H< (CH3)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$ < (CH3)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H }$
  • ${(C_6H5)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H < (C_6H5)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$< (CH3)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$ < (CH3)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H }$
  • ${(CH3)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H < (CH3)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$< (C6H5)3$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$ < (C6H_5)2$\overset{\text{$\bullet$}}{{C}}$H }$
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

On the basis of hyperconjugation, the order of stability of free radicals is as follows $t > s > p$. Benzyl free radicals are stabilised by resonance and hence are more stable than alkyl free radicals. More the number of phenyl groups attached to the carbon atom, more is the stability of free radical.
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Concepts Used:

Hydrocarbons - Reaction Mechanism

Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that are entirely made up of only two kinds of atoms – carbon and hydrogen. Typically, hydrocarbons are colourless gases that have very weak odours.

Mechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions:

According to experimental evidences, SE (S = substitution; E = electrophilic) reactions are supposed to proceed via the following three steps:

  1. Generation of the electrophile
  2. Formation of carbocation intermediate
  3. Removal of proton from the carbocation interm