Country | Big Mac | Market Exchange Rate |
United States | 5.58 USD | 1.00 |
Norway | 50.00 Kroner | 8.53 Kroner/USD |
Japan | 390.00 Yen | 108.44 Yen/USD |
Mexico | 49.00 Pesos | 17.31 Pesos/USD |
China | 20.90 Yuan | 6.85 Yuan/USD |
Russia | 110.17 Rubles | 66.69 Rubles/USD |
India | 178.00 Rupees | 69.69 Rupees/USD |
Year | Population of the Economy | GDP of the Economy (in crore) |
2010 | 20,000 | 25,000 |
2020 | 25,000 | 40,000 |