In the given circuit, A.C. source is given by: \[ V = 282 \sin (100 \pi t) \text{ volt} \] The internal resistance of the source is \( 2000 \, \Omega \).
Find out:
(i) rms value of source voltage
(ii)inductive reactance of the circuit
(iii) impedance of the circuit
What are Kirchhoff's two laws for the electrical circuit? Find out the reading of the ammeter with the help of the given circuit, while its resistance is negligible.
Find the magnitudes of currents \( i_1 \), \( i_2 \), and \( i \) with the help of the given circuit, when (i) just at the moment switch S is pressed and (ii) S is pressed for a long time.
Current of 5 mA is flowing in the given circuit. Find the value of the resistor \( R \).
A graph is shown between the maximum kinetic energy (\( E_k \)) of emitted photoelectrons and frequency (\( \nu \)) of the incident light in an experiment of the photoelectric effect. Find:
(i) Threshold frequency
(ii) Work function (in eV)
(iii) Planck's constant
Focal length of each lens is 10 cm as shown in the given figure. Find the distance of the image of point object O from the convex lens and also draw the ray diagram. If both lenses are placed in contact, what will be the power of the combined lens?
State the required conditions for the interference of light. Find the value of maximum resultant intensity of two waves having intensities \( I \) and \( 4I \), when sources are (i) coherent and (ii) non-coherent.
A monochromatic ray of light is incident at an angle of \( 45^\circ \) on the face AB of a right-angled prism (\( A = 90^\circ \)), as shown in the figure. The emergent ray is refracted tangentially from the face AC. Find out the refractive index of the prism material.
Whether the \( p\text{-}n \) junction diode is forward biased or reverse biased in the given figure.