To determine the code for "CREATION," let us analyze the pattern used to encode "KARAMCHAND" into "ICPCKEFCLF."
1. Observe the structure of the code for "KARAMCHAND":
- The word "KARAMCHAND" is divided into pairs of letters: KA, RA, MC, HA, ND.
- Each pair is transformed based on a pattern:
- KA becomes IC: Shift each letter two steps backward in the alphabet.
- RA becomes PC: Shift each letter two steps backward.
- MC becomes KE: Shift each letter two steps backward.
- HA becomes FC: Shift each letter two steps backward.
- ND becomes LF: Shift each letter two steps backward.
2. Apply the same pattern to "CREATION":
- Divide "CREATION" into pairs: CR, EA, TI, ON.
- Transform each pair by shifting two steps backward:
- CR becomes AT.
- EA becomes CC.
- TI becomes RK.
- ON becomes MP.
3. Combine the transformed pairs:
Thus, the correct answer is (A) ATCCRKMP.