Statement I is correct because fructose, while not having an aldehyde group in its structure, can still reduce Tollen's reagent. This is because fructose exists as an equilibrium mixture of two anomers, one of which contains a free aldehyde group. This allows it to reduce Tollen's reagent. Statement II is also correct because, in the presence of a base, fructose undergoes a rearrangement to form glucose through an enediol intermediate. This reaction is known as the Lobry de Bruyn–Alberda van Ekenstein transformation.
Match List - I with List - II:
List - I:
(A) Amylase
(B) Cellulose
(C) Glycogen
(D) Amylopectin
List - II:
(I) β-C1-C4 plant
(II) α-C1-C4 animal
(III) α-C1-C4 α-C1-C6 plant
(IV) α-C1-C4 plant
The carbohydrates “Ribose” present in DNA is
A. A pentose sugar
B. Present in pyranose form
C. In “D” configuration
D. A reducing sugar, when free
E. In \( \alpha \)-anomeric form
Which of the following statements is not true about glucose?
The steam volatile compounds among the following are: