At 400 K, the following graph is obtained for \( x \) moles of an ideal gas. \( x \) is equal to (R = gas constant, P = pressure, V = volume)
The variation of volume of an ideal gas with its number of moles (\( n \)) is obtained as a graph at 300 K and 1 atm pressure. What is the slope of the graph?
The following graph is obtained for the adsorption of a gas on the surface of a catalyst. The values of k and n are respectively
Observe the following reactions (not balanced):
Cl2 + NaOH → NaCl + X + H2O
Cl2 + NaOH → NaCl + Y + H2O
Which of the following is not correct?
(1) XeO2 is a colorless explosive gas
(2) SO2 is highly soluble in water
(3) Noble gases have very low boiling points
(4) The boiling point of sulphur is more than that of oxygen