
Write the name of any one disease caused by mosquitoes and describe its control measures.

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Effective mosquito control involves both personal protection and environmental management to reduce the spread of mosquito-borne diseases.
Updated On: Mar 7, 2025
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Step 1: One common disease caused by mosquitoes is Malaria, which is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito. 

Step 2: Control measures for Malaria include: 1. Use of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs) to prevent mosquito bites during sleep. 2. Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) with insecticides to kill mosquitoes inside homes. 3. Elimination of Breeding Sites by draining stagnant water where mosquitoes breed. 4. Taking Antimalarial Drugs as a preventive measure in high-risk areas.

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