
Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his fear and insecurity?

Updated On: Jun 15, 2024
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The words 'Everything felt surreal and I wasn't sure what was going to happen' show his fear and insecurity.
When the fire started, the author was still wearing the outfit he had worn to church that morning, but he was missing his shoes, which he lost in the blaze. This caused him to feel quite ashamed the next day at school. 
He consequently had to ask his aunt for a pair of tennis shoes. 
Everything was really embarrassing for him. The clothes he was wearing looked weird, he had no books or homework, and his backpack was gone.
Words used in the lesson that show his fear and insecurity are “…outcast and geek…” , “…like a zombie.”, “…wanted to curl up and die.” , “Everything felt surreal”, “All the security…had all been ripped away”. 
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