
Which one of the following is a matching pair of a drug and its category?

Updated On: Jul 27, 2022
  • Amphetamines - stimulant
  • Lysergic acid dimethyl amide - narcotic
  • Heroin - psychotropic
  • Benzodiazepam - pain killer
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

A drug is a chemical substance which when taken in, alters the body functions. Four categories of psychotropic drugs are as follows. (i) Sedatives and transquillisers : eg, Benzodiazephines, barbiturates. (ii) Opiate Narcoitc : eg Opium, morphine, heroin, codine etc. (iii) Stimulants : eg, Amphetamines, Nikethamide, caffeine, cocaine etc. (iv) Hallucinogens : eg, LSD, bhang, charas, hashish, marijuana etc.
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Concepts Used:

Addiction and Dependence

Because of the discern benefits, drugs are frequently used repeatedly. The most important thing, which one fails to realize, is the intrinsic addictive nature of alcohol and drugs. Addiction is a psychological attachment to undeniable effects –such as euphoria and a temporary feeling of well-being – associated with drugs and alcohol.

With regular consumption of drugs, the tolerance level of the receptors present in our body increases. Accordingly, the receptors respond only to higher doses of drugs or alcohol leading to greater intake and addiction. In spite of that, it should be clearly borne in mind that the use of these drugs even once, can be a forerunner to addiction.

Dependence is the tendency of the body to glare a characteristic and unpleasant withdrawal syndrome if the regular dose of drugs/alcohol is precipitously discontinued. This is characterized by anxiety, nausea, shakiness, and sweating, which may be relieved when consumption is resumed again. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms can be very bad and even life-threatening and the person may need medical supervision. Dependence leads the patient to ignore all social norms in order to get adequate funds to quench his/her needs. These consequences in many social adjustment problems.