Remember, bandwidth measures the data transfer rate, and its unit is typically bps (bits per second).
Network bandwidth is typically measured in terms of bits per second (e.g., Mbps or Gbps), which indicate the amount of data that can be transmitted per second. The other options, such as KB (kilobytes), Hz (frequency), and Km} (distance), are unrelated to network bandwidth measurement.
The SELECT statement when combined with \(\_\_\_\_\_\_\) clause, returns records without repetition.
In SQL, the aggregate function which will display the cardinality of the table is \(\_\_\_\_\_\).
myStr = "MISSISSIPPI" print(myStr[:4] + "#" + myStr[-5:])
Assertion (A): CSV file is a human-readable text file where each line has a number of fields, separated by a comma or some other delimiter.
Reason (R): writerow() method is used to write a single row in a CSV file.
Mark the correct choice:
Read the following characteristics of retail trading carefully and choose the correct option:
I. This is concerned with the sale of goods directly to the consumers.
II. Most of the retail trading takes place in fixed establishments or stores.
III. It is formed by many middlemen, traders, and suppliers.
IV. Hawkers, street peddling, automatic vending machines, etc., are its examples.
Read the programmes related to the proposed Bharatmala umbrella scheme carefully and choose the correct option:
I. Backward areas, religious and tourist places connectivity programme
2. To interconnect the four metropolitan cities of the country
3. To develop State roads in adjoining coastal areas
4. To connect non-major ports in coastal states