
Two solid spheres of radii \( r_1 \) and \( r_2 \) (\( r_2>r_1 \)) made of the same material are kept in contact. The distance of their center of mass from their point of contact is:

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For objects of uniform density, their masses are proportional to their volumes. The center of mass is calculated using mass-weighted distances.
Updated On: Mar 12, 2025
  • \( \frac{r_1^3 (r_1 + r_2)}{r_1^3 + r_2^3} \)
  • \( \frac{r_2 (r_1 + r_2)}{r_1^2 + r_2^2} \)
  • \( \frac{r_1^4 + r_2^4}{r_1^3 + r_2^3} \)
  • \( \frac{r_2^3 (r_1 + r_2)}{r_1^3 + r_2^3} \)
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

Step 1: Understanding the Concept of Center of Mass 
- The spheres are made of the same material, meaning their masses are proportional to their volumes. - The mass of a sphere is given by: \[ m = \rho \times \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 \] where \( \rho \) is the density of the material. 

Step 2: Center of Mass Formula for Two Particles 
- The center of mass for two objects is given by: \[ X_{\text{cm}} = \frac{m_1 x_1 + m_2 x_2}{m_1 + m_2} \] 

Step 3: Substituting Masses of Spheres 
Since mass is proportional to \( r^3 \): \[ X_{\text{cm}} = \frac{r_2^3 \times (r_1 + r_2)}{r_1^3 + r_2^3} \] 

Step 4: Conclusion 
Since the distance of the center of mass from the point of contact is \( \frac{r_2^3 (r_1 + r_2)}{r_1^3 + r_2^3} \), Option (4) is correct.

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