
Read the following statements.
The leave policy is bound to be unpopular either with the management or among workers. If the leave policy is unpopular with the management, it should be modified. We should adopt a new policy if it is unpopular with workers.
If the above statements are true, which one of the following MUST also be true?

Updated On: Aug 14, 2024
  • If the leave policy is popular with the management, then we should adopt a new policy.
  • If the leave policy is popular among workers, then we should adopt a new policy.
  • We should modify the leave policy only if this will not reduce its popularity among workers.
  • We should modify the leave policy if modification will not reduce its popularity with the management.
  • We should attempt to popularize the leave policy among either the management or workers.
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

This can be solved as a disjunctive syllogism: an either or question (either X or Y)

And the conclusions that follow are ‘not X, therefore Y’ and ‘not Y, therefore X’.

The conditions given to us are as follows:

The leave policy is either unpopular with the management or unpopular with the workers.

And that if it is unpopular with workers, a new policy should be adopted.

The conclusions are:

(i) Not unpopular with management (in other words, popular with management). Therefore, unpopular with workers.

(ii) Not unpopular with workers (in other words, popular with workers. Hence, unpopular with management).

So we can say that it is definitely true that if it is not unpopular with the management / if it is popular with the management, then it is unpopular with the workers, and hence a new policy should be adopted.

Hence, A is the correct answer.

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