
Read the following scenario and answer the THREE questions that follow.
Sundaresan was a professor of Corporate Responsibility at a premium management institution. As a requirement of his course, students had to synthesize sustainability challenges, faced by thermal power companies and submit an assignment on them. Though it was an individual assignment, some students sought permission from Sundaresan to work on the assignment as a team. Sundaresan knew that collaboration fosters peer learning, and therefore, allowed them to work in teams. However, he mandated that a team should not exceed three members. While 15 students elected to work individually, other 15 formed teams of three each, and another 10 formed teams of two members each.

Question: 1

As assignment deadline came closer, Sundaresan was approached by Abbas Warram, who chose to work in a team of three members. He informed Sundaresan that Venkamma, his team member, distressed by the death of her grandmother, could not work on her bit of the assignment. Abbas requested for a deadline extension so that she could finish her part of the assignment. By then, many students who were working alone had already submitted their assignments.
Which of the following actions by Sundaresan is the MOST appropriate, given the circumstances?

Updated On: Aug 9, 2024
  • Disband the team and ask each student to work individually
  • Warn Abbas that such issues should not be flagged to the professor and should be handled within the team
  • Give extra time to Venkamma to work individually and ask the other two to stick to the original deadline as a team
  • Extend the deadline for the team while imposing a one-grade penalty for the deadline extension
  • Give the students a deadline extension, but add an extra assignment for the team as a new requirement
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The Correct Option is B

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The correct answer is option (B):Warn Abbas that such issues should not be flagged to the professor and should be handled within the team
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Question: 2

When Sundaresan was about to grade the assignments, he received a request from the class representative regarding the students who worked individually. The request was to give those students additional marks because they handled the entire workload. This would improve their course grade significantly.
Which of the following is the MOST appropriate action by Sundaresan to mark the assignments?

Updated On: Aug 9, 2024
  • Convert the assignment into a non-graded assignment because both the individuals and the teams worked on the same assignment
  • Treat both individual work and team work equally
  • Reduce marks for those who worked in teams by 10%
  • Give 10% extra marks to all those who worked individually
  • Divide the total marks awarded to a team by the number of team members
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The Correct Option is B

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The correct answer is option (B):Treat both individual work and team work equally
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Question: 3

Sundaresan was going through the submitted assignments. Team 9, with three members, had impressive exhibits and charts. Later, he discovered that Team 13, with three members, also had the same exhibits and charts. He realized that one of the teams had copied from the other. Hence, he informed both the teams that he would award an F-grade (fail grade) to both the teams for copying. Later that evening, Aashi from Team 9 called and admitted to sharing exhibits and charts with Aanvi of Team13. Further, she mentioned that Aanvi could not put enough efforts since she lost significant amount of time due to COVID-19. Therefore, Aanvi requested for help. However, Aanvi assured Aashi that she would not reproduce the shared content. Aashi requested Sundaresan to punish her and Aanvi and spare others as they were not involved.
Which of the following actions by Sundaresan is the MOST appropriate?

Updated On: Aug 9, 2024
  • Punish both the teams by giving F-grades
  • Award an F-grade to both Aashi and Aanvi, and spare others
  • Ask both the teams to work on an extra assignment to avoid an F-grade.
  • Spare both the teams as such a confession is rare
  • Punish Aanvi with an F-grade and spare others
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The Correct Option is A

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The correct answer is option (A):Punish both the teams by giving F-grades
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