
Raphides are the crystals of

Updated On: Jul 28, 2022
  • calcium oxalate
  • calcium
  • calcium phosphate
  • calcium carbonate.
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Calcium oxalate crystals are present in raphides of almost all the plants organs and are particularly common in storage organs, pith and cortical tissues. The shape of the crystal is variable. Needle like or acicular crystal called raphides are found in aroids (e.g. Colocasia, Amorphophallus, Impatiens) and many aquatic plants (e.g., Pistia, Eichornia, etc.).
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Concepts Used:

Stem - Nodes and Internodes

Underground Modification

In some plants, stems are modified to form underground structures that store food. Some examples of the underground stem are as follows:

Rhizome: They are non-green, fleshy structures that resemble roots in appearance. The presence of nodes and internodes distinguishes them from roots. When a rhizome grows horizontally, it is called Straggling Rhizome. This type of rhizome is seen in turmeric, ginger, etc. If a rhizome grows in an oblique direction, it is called RootStock Rhizome. This is found in bananas and alocasia. 

Therefore it has nodes and internodes. Ginger is a stem and not a root because it has nodes and internodes. It is a rhizome, an underground modification of the stem.