Step 1: Dimensions of Modulus of Elasticity
Modulus of Elasticity (Young's Modulus) = StrainStress
Strain is dimensionless, so the dimension of Modulus of Elasticity = Dimension of Stress.
Stress = AreaForce=[L2][M1L1T−2]=[M1L−1T−2]
Step 2: Dimensions of Torque
Torque = Force×Distance
Step 3: Dimension of the Measured Quantity
The measured quantity is Modulus of Elasticity per unit Torque.
Step 4: Comparing with [MaLbTc]
Comparing the dimensions:
Step 5: Given b=3
Since we need to compare it with b=3, we take the magnitude of the value b=−3.
Therefore, the value of c is: