Determine the nature of force acting between two parallel current-carrying conductors when:
(i) Current is in the same direction in conductors,
(ii) Current is in the opposite direction in conductors.
Define interference. Mention the condition for constructive and destructive interference.
Explain Maxwell's displacement current and write its equation. What is the phase difference between it and the conduction current?
State Gauss's Law in electrostatics. Using it (i) find electric field due to a point source charge \( q \) and (ii) deduce Coulomb's law between source charge \( q \) and test charge \( q_0 \).
Compare features of p-type and n-type semiconductors. Draw circuit diagram of half-wave rectifier of p-n junction diode and explain it.
What is atomic model of magnetism? Differentiate between paramagnetic, diamagnetic, and ferromagnetic substances on this basis. Also, give one example of each.
By drawing a ray diagram, explain the formation of image in a compound microscope. Establish the formula for magnifying power for it.