Explain by giving the example of chlorobenzene that chlorine is ortho- and para-directing in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions.
Step 1: Electrophilic Substitution in Chlorobenzene:
Chlorine has a \(-I\) effect (electron-withdrawing) and a \(+M\) effect (electron-donating via resonance), making the ortho and para positions more reactive.
Step 2: Example - Nitration of Chlorobenzene: \[ C_6H_5Cl + HNO_3 \xrightarrow{H_2SO_4} o-C_6H_4ClNO_2 + p-C_6H_4ClNO_2 \]
Write I.U.P.A.C. names of the following:
(i) \([Co(NH_3)_6]Cl_3\)
(ii) \([Ti(H_2O)_6]^{3+}\)
(iii) \( K_2[Ni(CN)_4] \)
(iv) \([Pt(NH_3)_2Cl_2]\)