Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Statement-1 and the other is labelled as Statement-2: Statement-1: Sulphides are converted into oxide first. Statement-2: Because oxides can be reduced easily. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
Only 1st is correct
Only 2nd is correct
Both are correct
Both are incorrect
The correct answer is option (C)
Among following compounds, the number of those present in copper matte is ___ .
\(CuCO _3\)
\(Cu _2 S\)
\(Cu _2 O\)
Minerals are the naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic solid substances. They are having a definite chemical composition and crystalline structure, hardness and color. For example, copper pyrite, calamine, etc.
Impurities in an ore are called gauge. The removal of a gauge from the ore is called concentration ore.
Several steps are involved in the extraction of pure metal from ores. Major steps are as follows –