Cheaper Loans: Lower interest rates encourage borrowing by businesses and households.
Increased Liquidity: More borrowing increases liquidity, boosting consumption and investment.
Outline and discuss the classification of industries into various categories as per Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956.
Discuss any two benefits accruing from human capital formation.
Read the following statements: Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose the correct alternative from those given below:
Assertion (A): In the recent past, Indian economy has been facing the problem of jobless growth.
Reason (R): Jobless growth refers to a situation where an economy is able to produce more goods and services without generating additional employment.
The present day rapid industrial growth in China can be traced back to the economic reforms introduced in 1978, where ________ .
(Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank):
(i) Initially reforms were initiated in agriculture, foreign trade and investment sectors.
(ii) The policy of dual pricing was adopted.
(iii) The Government revoked the policy of Special Economic Zones.
“Depreciation of currency may promote exports of a nation.”
Defend or refute the given statement with valid arguments.