
Describe the histological structure of the testis with a well-labeled diagram.

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Testosterone plays a key role in spermatogenesis, muscle growth, and male reproductive function.
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The testis is the primary male reproductive organ responsible for the production of sperm and testosterone. It consists of several structural components involved in sperm formation. 
1. The testis is enclosed by a fibrous capsule called the tunica albuginea
2. It is divided into several compartments called testicular lobules. 
3. Each lobule contains seminiferous tubules, where spermatogenesis occurs. 
4. The tubules are lined with two main cell types: 
-Sertoli Cells: Support and nourish developing sperm. 
-Germ Cells: Undergo meiosis to form spermatozoa. 
The Leydig cells, found in the interstitial spaces, produce testosterone. 

Functions of Testis: 
1. Spermatogenesis: Formation of sperm in the seminiferous tubules. 
2. Hormone Secretion: Leydig cells produce testosterone, essential for male secondary sexual characteristics.

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