
'Cladode' is a characteristic morphological feature of

Updated On: Jul 28, 2022
  • Asparagus and Ruscus
  • Casuarina and Opuntia
  • Cladophora and Cactus
  • Citrus and Euphorbi'a
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Cladode is a modified stem in which the branches of limited growth become green and flat-like a leaf, e.g., Asparagus and Ruscus. Phylloclade are flattaned green or cylindrical branches of unlimited growth, e.g., Opuntia, Casuanna and Euphrobia, etc.
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Concepts Used:

Stem - Nodes and Internodes

Underground Modification

In some plants, stems are modified to form underground structures that store food. Some examples of the underground stem are as follows:

Rhizome: They are non-green, fleshy structures that resemble roots in appearance. The presence of nodes and internodes distinguishes them from roots. When a rhizome grows horizontally, it is called Straggling Rhizome. This type of rhizome is seen in turmeric, ginger, etc. If a rhizome grows in an oblique direction, it is called RootStock Rhizome. This is found in bananas and alocasia. 

Therefore it has nodes and internodes. Ginger is a stem and not a root because it has nodes and internodes. It is a rhizome, an underground modification of the stem.