Plasmodium vivax is the most common cause of benign tertian malaria.
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium malaria
- Plasmodium vivax is responsible for benign tertian malaria, which is characterized by a cycle of fever every 48 hours.
- Plasmodium oval causes a similar form of malaria, but it is rarer and less common than \textit{Plasmodium vivax}.
- Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for malignant tertian malaria, which is more severe and can cause life-threatening complications.
- Plasmodium malaria causes quartan malaria, with a fever cycle every 72 hours.
Match the following:
Assertion (A): Nosima is a hyperparasite.
Reason (R): It lives in the body of another parasite.
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Match the following:
Assertion (A): Endosperm is haploid in Gymnosperms
Reason (R): Female gametophytic tissue acts as endosperm in Gymnosperms
In the following group of plants, sporophytes are dependent on gametophytes.
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