All the letters of the word "GTWENTY" are written in all possible ways with or without meaning, and these words are arranged as in a dictionary. The serial number of the word "GTWENTY" is:
Words starting with \(E\): \(6! = 720 / 2 = 360\)
Words starting with \(G\) and second letter \(E\): \(5! = 120 / 2 = 60\)
Words starting with \(G\) and second letter \(N\): \(5! = 120 / 2 = 60\)
Words starting with \(GTE\): \(4! = 24\)
Words starting with \(GTN\): \(4! = 24\)
Words starting with \(GTT\): \(4! = 24\)
"GTWENTY" itself contributes \(+1\).
\[ 360 + 60 + 60 + 24 + 24 + 24 + 1 = 553 \]
So, the correct answer is: 553
Permutation is the method or the act of arranging members of a set into an order or a sequence.
Combination is the method of forming subsets by selecting data from a larger set in a way that the selection order does not matter.