
A charged particle (charge $q$ ) is moving in a circle of radius $R$ with uniform speed $v$. The associated magnetic moment $\mu$ is given by

Updated On: Aug 2, 2023
  • $ \frac{qvR}{2} $
  • $ qvR^{2}$
  • $ \frac{qvR^{2}}{2}$
  • $ qvR $
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

As revolving charge is equivalent to a current, so
$I =q f=q \times \frac{\omega}{2 \pi}$
But $\omega =\frac{v}{R}$
where $R$ is radius of circle and $v$ is uniform speed of charged particle.
Therefore, $I=\frac{q v}{2 \pi R}$
Now, magnetic moment associated with charged particle is given by
$\mu =I A=I \times \pi R^{2}$
or $\mu =\frac{q v}{2 \pi R} \times \pi R^{2}$
$=\frac{1}{2} q v R$
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Concepts Used:

Magnetism & Matter

Magnets are used in many devices like electric bells, telephones, radio, loudspeakers, motors, fans, screwdrivers, lifting heavy iron loads, super-fast trains, especially in foreign countries, refrigerators, etc.

Magnetite is the world’s first magnet. This is also called a natural magnet.  Though magnets occur naturally, we can also impart magnetic properties to a substance. It would be an artificial magnet in that case.

Read More: Magnetism and Matter

Some of the properties of the magnetic field lines are:

  • The lines and continuous and outside the magnet, the field lines originate from the North pole and terminate at the South pole
  • They form closed loops traversing inside the magnet. 
  • But here the lines seem to originate from the South pole and terminate at the North pole to form closed loops.
  • More number of close lines indicate a stronger magnetic field
  • The lines do not intersect each other
  • The tangent drawn at the field line gives the direction of the field at that point.