
$8$ bits form

Updated On: Jun 18, 2022
  • 1 byte
  • 1 diction
  • 1 nibble
  • 1 binary
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Bits and bytes are related to binary number system.
The number system with base (or radix) $2$ is known as the binary number system. Only two symbols are used to represent number in this system and these are $0$ and $1$.
These are known as bits. This system has the minimum base ($0$ is not possible and $1$ is not useful).
It is a positional system that is every position is assigned a specific weight. In the binary number system, a group of four bits is known as a nibble, and a group of eight bits is known as a byte.
Note : Some of the other commonly used number systems are octal and hexadecimal point. These number systems are widely used in digital systems like microprocessors, logic circuits, computers etc.
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Concepts Used:


Semiconductors are a crystalline solid materials, whose electrical conductivity lies between a conductor and an insulator. Semiconductors are mainly used in the manufacturing of electronic devices like capacitors, transistors, diodes, Integrated circuits, etc.

Properties of Semiconductor:

  1. Semiconductor acts like an insulator at Zero Kelvin. On increasing the temperature, it works as a conductor.
  2. Due to their exceptional electrical properties, semiconductors can be modified by doping to make semiconductor devices suitable for energy conversion, switches, and amplifiers.
  3. Lesser power losses.

Uses of Semiconductor:

  1. Semiconductors are widely used in manufacturing electronics devices like transistors, diodes, sensors, integrated circuits.
  2. Semiconductors are widely used in all electronic devices, like mobile phones, digital cameras, communication devices, trains, ATMs, etc.