Common University Entrance Test
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
List of top Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci. Questions asked in Common University Entrance Test
The best-known multiple-letter encryption cipher is:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Cryptography & Network Security
Computation of the discrete logarithm is the basis of the cryptographic system:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Cryptography & Network Security
Which is not a requirement of digital signatures:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Cryptography & Network Security
Choose the software interrupt from the following list:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Microprocessors and Interfacing
A magnetic disk pack has the following specifications: 16 surfaces, 128 tracks per surface, 256 sectors per track, and 512 bytes per sector. Calculate the capacity of the disk pack.
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Computer Organization and Architecture
Cycle stealing mode of DMA operation involves:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Microprocessors and Interfacing
Which of the following in 8085 microprocessor performs HL = HL + HL?
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Microprocessors and Interfacing
Each instruction in an assembly language program has the following fields. What is the correct sequence of these fields?,
(A) Label field
(B) Mnemonic field
(C) Operand field
(D) Comment field
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Microprocessors and Interfacing
The contents of register BL and register AL of 8085 microprocessor are 49H and 3AH, respectively. The contents of AL, the status of carry flag (CF), and sign flag (SF) after executing the instruction SUB AL, BL are:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Microprocessors and Interfacing
Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:
(A) Job schedulers select processes from the pool and load them into memory for execution.
(B) Short term scheduler selects among the processes that are ready to execute and allocates the CPU to one of them.
(C) Medium term scheduler increases the degree of multiprogramming.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Operating Systems
A natural way to visualize the process of training a self-organizing map is called:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Artificial Intelligence
A 4-input neuron has weights 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. The transfer function is linear with a constant of proportionality equal to 2. The inputs are 4, 10, 5, and 20, respectively. The output will be:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Artificial Intelligence
Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:
(A) Segmentation is a memory management scheme that supports user view of memory.
(B) In paging, physical memory is broken into fixed-sized blocks called pages.
(C) In paging, logical memory is also broken into blocks of the same size called frames
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Operating Systems
Match List I with List II
(A) Disk scheduling
(I) Round robin
(B) Batch processing
(C) Time sharing
(D) Interrupt processing
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Operating Systems
Consider a logical address space of eight pages of 1024 words each, mapped into a physical memory of 32 frames. How many bits are there in the logical address and in the physical address, respectively?
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Operating Systems
Consider the following set of processes with the length of the CPU burst time given in milliseconds:
The processes are assumed to have arrived in order P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 all at time 0. What is the waiting time of process P4 for Shortest Job First (SJF), non-preemptive priority scheduling, and Round Robin (Quantum=1) scheduling algorithms respectively?
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Operating Systems
A pulse is applied to each input of a 2-input NAND gate. One pulse goes high at t=0 and goes back low at t=1ms. The other pulse goes high at t=0 and goes back low at t=3ms. The output pulse can be described as follows:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Digital Logic
Add the following hexadecimal numbers:
\(DF_{16} + AC_{16}\)
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Digital Logic
Given (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..., (xn, yn), the best fitting data to y=f(x) by least squares requires minimization of:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following is/are true about outliers?
(A) Linear Regression is not sensitive to outliers.
(B) Outliers can never be present in the test set.
(C) Outlier is a data point that is significantly close to other data points.
(D) The nature of our business problem determines how outliers are used.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Data Science
Which of the following activation function outputs is zero-centered?
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Artificial Intelligence
Which is/are true about bias and variance?
(A) High bias means that the model is underfitting.
(B) High variance means that the model is overfitting.
(C) High bias means that the model is overfitting.
(D) Bias and variance are inversely proportional to each other.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about Stacking in the context of machine learning?
(A) A logistic regression will definitely work better in the second stage as compared to other classification models.
(B) A machine learning model is trained on predictions of multiple machine learning models.
(C) First stage models are trained on full/partial feature space of training data.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Artificial Intelligence
A system transmits a block of information containing ten packets each with eight data bits, a start bit, and a stop bit. Additional 'overhead' bits include a 4-bit synchronization code at the beginning of the block and a parity bit at the end of the block. What is the transmission efficiency?
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Computer Networks
The following system of equations: x1 + x2 + x3 = 1, x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 2, x1 + 4x2 + αx3 = 4 has a unique solution. Possible value(s) for α is/are:
CUET (PG) - 2024
Data Science A.I Cyber Security and Computer Sci.
Set Theory & Algebra