
XeF4 + O2F2 → X + O
X + H2O → Y +2HF 
The shape of the molecules of X and Y respectively are: 

Updated On: Aug 19, 2023
  • Square planar, square pyramidal

  • Distorted octahedral, square pyramidal

  • Distorted tetrahedral. Distorted octahedral

  • Square pyramidal. Tetrahedral

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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

based on the reactions provided and the information in the answer, molecule X is suggested to have a "distorted octahedral" shape due to the reaction with O2F2, and molecule Y is suggested to have a "square pyramidal" shape due to the reaction with water. The answer is justified by considering the influence of the reacting molecules on the geometry of X and Y.
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Concepts Used:

P-Block Elements

  • P block elements are those in which the last electron enters any of the three p-orbitals of their respective shells. Since a p-subshell has three degenerate p-orbitals each of which can accommodate two electrons, therefore in all there are six groups of p-block elements.
  • P block elements are shiny and usually a good conductor of electricity and heat as they have a tendency to lose an electron. You will find some amazing properties of elements in a P-block element like gallium. It’s a metal that can melt in the palm of your hand. Silicon is also one of the most important metalloids of the p-block group as it is an important component of glass.

P block elements consist of: