Distemper is a water-based paint that is primarily used for interior walls. It is a traditional paint formulation consisting of pigments mixed with water, chalk, and a binding medium like glue.
The claim that distemper is more durable than oil paints is incorrect. In fact, oil paints are known for their greater durability, resistance to wear and tear, and ability to withstand environmental factors like moisture and dirt. Distemper, being water-based, is more prone to fading, peeling, and damage over time.
Distemper paints are easy to apply and provide a smooth, matte finish, but they are not as durable or resistant to cleaning compared to oil-based paints. While distemper provides a good reflective coating, it does not offer the long-term protection that oil paints provide.
Distemper is often used in dry, indoor environments and is suitable for areas with limited traffic, as it does not offer the same durability as oil-based paints.