
What are the suggested reasons for population explosion?

Updated On: Oct 5, 2023
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The human population is increasing day by day leading to population explosion. It is because of the following two major reasons. 
(a) Decreased death rate
(b) Increased birth rate and longevity
The death rate has decreased in the past 50 years. The factor leading to decreased death rate and increased birth rate are control
of diseases awareness and spread of education improvement in medical facilities ensured food supply in emergency situation etc. All
this has also resulted in an increase in the longevity of an individual.

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Concepts Used:

Population Explosion

It refers to the rapid increase in the population of an area among human beings. Furthermore, it is a situation where the economy is not capable of coping with the increasing demand of its population. Population explosion refers to the number of people that live in an area. It is a major issue for developing countries. Also, the government is not taking proper measures to control this problem

Causes of Population Explosion:

The cause of the population explosion includes many factors and reasons. These includes:

  1. Increase in the birth rate
  2. A decrease in infant mortality rate
  3. The life expectancy growth
  4. High level of illiteracy