
Tranquilisers are also known as

Updated On: Jan 23, 2024
  • psychosomatic durgs
  • psychoterapeutic drugs
  • psychosystolic drugs
  • None of the above
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

Tranquilisers are the drugs which used to relieve mental ailments. These are also known as psychotherapeutic drugs as they act on the central nervous system.
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Concepts Used:


Tranquilizers are central nervous system depressants that bring about a calming effect and induce mild sedative effects. Most of these drugs are derivatives of Barbituric acid-like Veronal, Mytal, Nembutal, Luminal, Seconal.

They are designed for the treatment of:

  • Anxiety
  • Tension
  • Agitation
  • Fear
  • Disturbances in the mind

Specifically, to reduce states of anxiety and stress.

Mode of action- Acts on the central nervous system by blocking the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain.

Classification of Tranquillizers:

Tranquillizers come in two varieties:

Minor Tranquillizers also called anxiolytics are used for sedation and to treat anxiety. Today these drugs are called antianxiety medications. The major tranquilizers include:

  • Benzodiazepines derivative

Ex: Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Lorazepam, Nitrazepam

  • Carbonate derivative

Ex: Meprobamate

  • Miscellaneous

Ex: Hydroxy Lithium Carbonate

Major Tranquillizers also called neuroleptics were developed to treat psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia. These drugs combat hallucinations and other delusions. Usually prescribed for long terms, major Tranquillizers include phenothiazines, thioxanthenes, butyrophenones, clozapine and rauwolfia alkaloids. The major tranquilizers include:

  • Phenothiazine Derivative

Ex: Chlorpromazine, Prochlorperazine, Trifluoperazine, Thiothiazine

  • Butyrophenones Derivative

Ex: Haloperidol, Trifluperidol

  • Rauwolfia Alkaloid

Ex: Reserpine

  • Dibenzodiazepine derivative

Ex: Clozapine

  • Thioxanthine derivative

Ex: Thioxanthenes