On the basis of distribution of villi, placenta in human beings is diffused at earlier stages, but later becomes restricted to one circular disc (discoidal). Hence, it is called metadiscoidal.
The human gestation period or pregnancy lasts for over nine months or 266 days. At times, childbirth also takes place prematurely or even after nine (9) months. The entire process of pregnancy is split into trimesters of three intervals:
First Trimester: This comprises the period mainly from week one to twelve. This is the embryonic or pre-embryonic development stage.
Second Trimester: This comprises the period from week thirteen to the twenty-fourth. This is the stage of fetal development and normally, most the body parts develop in this stage.
Third Trimester: This comprises the period from week twenty-fifth to that of the birth of an infant. This stage spectates some of the major developments in the child such as the formation of the blood cells, bones turning hard, sense organs being developed and the fingernails are also visible by this stage.