
The electric field and the potential of an electric dipole vary with distance r as

Updated On: Jul 29, 2022
  • $ \frac{ 1}{ r} $ and $\frac{ 1}{ r^2 } $
  • $ \frac{ 1}{ r^2} $ and $ \frac{ 1}{ r } $
  • $ \frac{ 1}{ r^2} $ and $ \frac{ 1}{ r^3 } $
  • $ \frac{ 1}{ r^3} $ and $ \frac{ 1}{ r^2 } $
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

Electric fieid and eiectric potential at a general point at a distance r from the centre of the dipoie is $ E_g = \frac{ 1}{ 4 \pi \varepsilon_0 } \frac{ P}{ r^3 } \sqrt{ ( 3 \, cos^2 \, \theta + 1) }$ and $ V_g = \frac{ 1}{ 4 \pi \varepsilon_0 } \frac{ p \, cos \, \theta }{ r^2 }$
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Concepts Used:

Electric Dipole

An electric dipole is a pair of equal and opposite point charges -q and q, separated by a distance of 2a. The direction from q to -q is said to be the direction in space.



p denotes the electric dipole moment, pointing from the negative charge to the positive charge.

Force Applied on Electric Dipole