
The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.
The dominant hypotheses in modern science believe that language evolved to allow humans to exchange factual information about the physical world. But an alternative view is that language evolved, in modern humans at least, to facilitate social bonding. It increased our ancestors’ chances of survival by enabling them to hunt more successfully or to cooperate more extensively. Language meant that things could be explained and that plans and past experiences could be shared efficiently.

Updated On: Aug 20, 2024
  • From the belief that humans invented language to process factual information, scholars now think that language was the outcome of the need to ensure social cohesion and thus human survival.
  • Since its origin, language has been continuously evolving to higher forms, from being used to identify objects to ensuring human survival by enabling our ancestors to bond and cooperate.
  • Most believe that language originated from a need to articulate facts, but others think it emerged from the need to promote social cohesion and cooperation, thus enabling human survival.
  • Experts are challenging the narrow view of the origin of language, as being merely used to describe facts and label objects, to being necessary to promote more complex interactions among humans.
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

The prevailing perspective posits that language emerged primarily for the exchange of factual information. In contrast, an alternative viewpoint suggests that language originated to foster social bonds, thereby ensuring human survival.
Option C effectively encapsulates these two core viewpoints without veering off the discussion.
Option A presents both viewpoints but introduces a distortion by implying a shift in perspective from past beliefs to current scholarly views, which is not the case.
Option B fails to address the essence of the debate on language origins and instead focuses on its evolution to higher forms, thus misrepresenting the key focus.
Option D erroneously suggests a conflict among experts regarding these viewpoints, whereas the author simply presents them without indicating any challenge between them.

So, the correct answer is (C): Most believe that language originated from a need to articulate facts, but others think it emerged from the need to promote social cohesion and cooperation, thus enabling human survival.

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