Streams | Electrical | Electronics | Mechanical | Civil | Information Technology |
Years | |||||
2001 | 252 | 447 | 343 | 506 | 264 |
2002 | 260 | 470 | 369 | 590 | 241 |
2003 | 286 | 514 | 398 | 600 | 310 |
2004 | 332 | 545 | 447 | 678 | 340 |
2005 | 355 | 620 | 500 | 623 | 397 |
2006 | 421 | 646 | 485 | 640 | 416 |
2007 | 467 | 580 | 510 | 710 | 475 |
From the question,
Average number of students enrolled in Mechanical Stream = \(\frac{343+369+398+447+500+485+510}{7}\)
= \(\frac{3052}{7}\)
= 436
Average number of students enrolled in Civil Stream = \(\frac{506+590+600+678+623+640+710}{7}\)
= \(\frac{4357}{7}\)
= 621
Difference between the average number of students enrolled in Mechanical and Civil streams = 621 - 436
= 185
The correct option is (D): 185
What is the difference between the total number of students enrolled in Electrical Stream over the given years and the total number of students enrolled in Information Technology Stream over the given years?
None of these
From the question,
Total Electrical Students =252+260+286+332+355+421+467
Total Information Technology =264+241+310+340+397+416+475
Difference between the students enrolled in Electrical and Information Technology Streams = 2443 - 2373
= 70
The correct option is (A): 70
What is the respective ratio of number of students enrolled in Civil Stream to the number of students enrolled in Mechanical Stream in the year 2006?
4 : 3
127 : 98
128 : 97
5: 34 : 4
37 : 43
From the question,
Students enrolled in Civil Stream in year 2006 = 640
Students enrolled in Mechanical Stream in year 2006 = 485
Ratio = \(\frac{640}{485}\)
= \(\frac{128}{97}\)
The correct option is (D): 128 : 97
What is the average number of students enrolled in the Electronics Streams over the given years?
None of these
From the question,
Average number of students enrolled in Electronics Stream = \(\frac{447+470+514+545+620+646+580}{7}\)
= \(\frac{3822}{7}\)
= 546
The correct option is (D): 546
In 2001, the number of students enrolled in Electrical Streams is approximately what percent of the number of students enrolled in Electronics students?
From the question,
Students enrolled in Electrical Stream in 2001 = 252
Students enrolled in Electronics Stream in 2001 = 447
Percentage = \(\frac{252}{447} × 100\)
≈ 56\(\%\)
The correct option is (A): 56
A | B | C | D | Average |
3 | 4 | 4 | ? | 4 |
3 | ? | 5 | ? | 4 |
? | 3 | 3 | ? | 4 |
? | ? | ? | ? | 4.25 |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4.25 |
State | Total Population | Male Population | Rural Population | Area | |||
2001 | 2006 | 2001 | 2006 | 2001 | 2006 | ||
Uttar Pradesh | 1660 | 1731 | 875 | 911 | 71 | 70 | 2,38,576 |
Madhya Pradesh | 603 | 674 | 314 | 360 | 72 | 71 | 3,08,144 |
Andhra Pradesh | 761 | 823 | 385 | 417 | 69 | 68 | 2,75,068 |
Tamil Nadu | 624 | 697 | 315 | 348 | 70 | 67 | 1,30,058 |
Orissa | 368 | 384 | 186 | 195 | 73 | 72 | 1,55,707 |
Maharashtra | 968 | 1013 | 504 | 527 | 68 | 66 | 3,07,713 |
West Bengal | 802 | 865 | 412 | 446 | 69 | 68 | 88,752 |