
Release of second polar body from human egg nucleus occurs

Updated On: Aug 15, 2022
  • After the entry of sperm
  • After fertilization
  • Before sperm entry
  • With no relation to sperm entry
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

During oogenesis, primary oocyte grows and produces a large secondary oocyte and a small polar body, both haploid. The secondary oocyte next proceeds with meiosis II, but the division gets arrested in metaphase II stage, due to accumulation of metaphase promoting factor (MPF). This is the second resting stage. It is in this stage of oocyte that the ovum is shed during ovulation. It passes into oviduct, where in the ampulla part, cell cycle will resume only after the entry of sperm forming a mature ovum and releasing 2nd polar body. In this way, meiosis Il is completed.
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Fertilization happens when a sperm fuses with the female act during sexual intercourse and further forms an egg that gets implanted in the uterus of the female. The sperm goes through the fallopian tube and penetrates the zona pellucida layer of the ovum (female egg) and then fuses with it which forms a zygote (fertilized egg). Thousand of sperms are generated in a male body to compensate for the ones unfit and non-motile ones. Once the zygote is created or formed, it gets implanted in the uterus and further growth starts taking place when cells start dividing and forming tissues, and tissues further form organs which result in the formation of an organ system, eventually or in time turning into an organism.