Xerophytes are those plants which grow in deserts or in very dry places. They can withstand a prolonged period of drought uninjured. Hydrophytes are those plants that grow in water or in very wet places. They may be submerged or partly submerged, floating or ambhibious. Heliophytes is a class of Raunkiaer?? life form whose system of vegetational classification is based on position of perrenating buds in relation to soil level. Heliophytes are those herbs whose buds lie in mud.
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Top Questions on soil as reservoir of essential elements
Soil is firstly formed due to the slow breakdown and weathering of rocks.
The clay and the humus part structure colloidal particles in the soil. These colloids hold a lot of charges on their surface and also have a large surface area that assists in the interaction with mineral elements.
It is also the area of decomposition, a huge number of microbes in the soil decompose the organic remains (leftover) of plant parts or dead animals and release the minerals bound in organic matter.
Soil can sustain a regular supply of minerals due to the activity of decomposers.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are also found in the soil changing or transforming the atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms to be utilized by the plants.
Mineral nutrients are withdrawn from the soil at a much faster rate than it gets replenished naturally. Hence, often there is a deficiency of core minerals in the soil.
The deficiency of crucial minerals affects crop production, which is replenished through artificial fertilisers.
Macro-nutrients like N, P, K, S, etc. and micro-nutrients like Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, etc. are ingredients of fertilizers and are used in crop fields based on their requirement.