Group I | Group II |
(P) NIMBY | (1) Affording a clear view of the waterfront to a plot through the abutting street |
(Q) Form based code | (2) Planning and zoning tool to regulate development primarily through urban form |
(R) Tactical urbanism | (3) Establishment of residential areas on the outskirts of a city |
(S) Suburbanisation | (4) Short-term, low cost, scalable interventions and policies to change a neighbourhood |
(5) Resisting any physical intervention by public or private enterprises within their neighbourhood |
Group I | Group II |
(P) Valley Section | (1) McGee and Gemburg |
(Q) Third Place Theory | (2) Oscar Newman |
(R) Defensible Space | (3) Ray Oldenberg |
(S) Desakota Model | (4) Patrick Geddes |
(5) C. A. Doxiadis |