
In case of a forced vibration, the resonance wave becomes very sharp when the

Updated On: Jun 23, 2023
  • applied periodic force is small
  • quality factor is small
  • damping force is small
  • restoring force is small
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

In resonant vibrations of a body, the frequency of external force applied on the body is equal to its natural frequency. If on increasing and decreasing the frequency of external force from the natural frequency by a factor, the amplitude of vibrations reduces very much. In this case sharp resonance will take place. But if it reduces by a small factor then flat resonance will take place.
The sharp and flat resonance will depend on damping present in the body executing resonant vibrations. Less the damping, greater will he sharnness.
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Concepts Used:


Oscillation is a process of repeating variations of any quantity or measure from its equilibrium value in time . Another definition of oscillation is a periodic variation of a matter between two values or about its central value.

The term vibration is used to describe the mechanical oscillations of an object. However, oscillations also occur in dynamic systems or more accurately in every field of science. Even our heartbeats also creates oscillations​. Meanwhile, objects that move to and fro from its equilibrium position are known as oscillators.

Read More: Simple Harmonic Motion

Oscillation- Examples

The tides in the sea and the movement of a simple pendulum of the clock are some of the most common examples of oscillations. Some of examples of oscillations are vibrations caused by the guitar strings or the other instruments having strings are also and etc. The movements caused by oscillations are known as oscillating movements. For example, oscillating movements in a sine wave or a spring when it moves up and down. 

The maximum distance covered while taking oscillations is known as the amplitude. The time taken to complete one cycle is known as the time period of the oscillation. The number of oscillating cycles completed in one second is referred to as the frequency which is the reciprocal of the time period.