
In a microsporangium, which layer is generally having more than one nucleus?

Updated On: Aug 1, 2023
  • Tapetum
  • Middle layers
  • Endothecium
  • Epidermis
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

The correct answer is option (A): Tapetum
In the anther of flowering plants, there is a unique layer of nutritive cells called the tapetum that lies between the sporogenous tissue and the anther wall. Tapetum serves as a source of pollen coat precursors and is essential for the nourishment and growth of pollen grains. The cells are frequently bigger and have many nuclei. Tapetal cells go through mitosis as sporogenous cells divide their nuclei. Many mature tapetum cells develop multinucleate because this mitosis is frequently abnormal. Polyploidy and polyteny are also sometimes observed. The tapetum helps pollen grains grow by supplying them with nutrients and regulating chemicals thanks to its very vast nuclear composition.
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Concepts Used:

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction takes place in both plants and animals. In sexual reproduction, genetically diverse organisms or sphinx are built this happens when two individuals of unique sex are combined. 

The offspring built by sexual reproduction are genetically diverse in nature and can embrace themselves in accordance with the climate and other adaptable conditions many multicellular organisms practice sexual reproduction. 

There are four types of sexual reproduction:

  • Allogamy
  • Internal fertilization
  • External fertilization
  • Autogamy